Category Archives: IT Staffing

Strengthen your IT Team with the Right Talent: A Discussion

In 2024, having a strong IT team in business landscape dynamics is no longer a luxury; it is a necessity. But finding and retaining top IT talent can be a big challenge; especially in the ever-competitive USA market. This is … Continue reading

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7 Key Factors to Consider When Choosing IT Staffing Services in Michigan

Michigan is at the forefront of tech innovation in 2024. The city is experiencing a massive boom of new emergencies in all domains of the market. And all of them, regardless of their stature and size are experiencing the ordeals … Continue reading

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How to Choose the Right IT Partner for Your Business?

Succeeding in commercial ventures in 2024 involves adeptness with data and technology. Where data is used to make sure the decisions are right and are expected to yield the desired results. And tech is needed for efficient and seamless execution … Continue reading

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5 Reasons Why Custom Software Development Can Transform Your Business

Today, commerce in 2024 is all about reach and ease. And ease to the user can only be delivered if a business itself is operating with ease. This ease can not be obtained by generic tools and techniques; Personalized solutions … Continue reading

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10 Industries That Can Benefit from IT Staff Augmentation: An Exploration

There’s often a misperception that only companies within the technology sector can reap the benefits of IT staff augmentation services. However, this concept is miles away from reality. The truth is IT staff augmentation is a highly adaptable resource that … Continue reading

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Striking the Balance: Optimal Scenarios for Utilizing Staff Augmentation in the United States

Sometimes, enterprises just need some assistance to get a project over the finish line when their in-house unit simply does not have the expertise or time to complete the task. Fortunately, other options exist outside of recruiting new permanent employees … Continue reading

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Why every business needs a good technology service provider 

The main task of a technology service provider in Michigan or anywhere else is to give technological solutions to front-end users of different companies. These firms have their own tech experts whose main objective is to help companies to identify … Continue reading

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IT Staffing in the Era of Data Analytics

The demand for skilled IT professionals has never been higher than it is in 2023! As companies harness the power of data analytics to drive decision-making, the role of IT staffing has taken on a new level of importance. If … Continue reading

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Microsoft SharePoint & Blockchain: Insights from SharePoint Implementation Consultants

Blockchain and Microsoft SharePoint, both technologies have emerged as transformative tools for businesses seeking enhanced collaboration, data security, and streamlined processes. We are aware of the names of these technologies but do we know what blockchain and SharePoint can do … Continue reading

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Exploring the Potential of AI-Powered Staff Augmentation Solutions

With the advent of artificial intelligence (AI), the potential of staff augmentation has reached new heights. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of AI-powered staff augmentation solutions, highlighting their benefits and the transformative impact they have … Continue reading

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5 Reasons to Partner with an IT Staffing Company in Michigan

In today’s competitive business landscape, having a skilled and efficient IT team is crucial for success. However, finding and attracting top IT talent can be a challenging task. That’s where partnering with an IT staffing company in Michigan can make … Continue reading

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IT Staffing OR Recruiting – Which is Right for Your Business?

As the technology industry continues to evolve, companies are encountering new challenges to find the right human resources with the most desired skillset. While hiring recruitment services is one solution to hiring the right candidates, the process is indeed time-consuming … Continue reading

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Here’s how IT professionals can keep their Tech skills up-to-date

The tech industry is extremely dynamic and continues to evolve and improve each year. As such, the professionals working in this industry too need to keep updating their skill stack in order to stay relevant and competitive. IPSTS is a … Continue reading

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5 staff augmentation challenges in 21st century

Businesses all over the world are benefitting from staff augmentation services as it not only helps in cutting costs, also makes room for innovations. In fact, (*1) after the COVID-19 pandemic the staff augmentation industry has reportedly grown by 132.9 … Continue reading

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5 Technical Skills you should master at to get noticed by IT staff Augmentation companies

In today’s technology driven world, wherein almost every business entity needs custom software, getting the right team onboard for product development and deployment often becomes a challenge. In such a global scenario, the relevance of IT staffing has tremendously increased. … Continue reading

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Top 5 most demanded skills for IT staff augmentation

Every organization needs to invest in custom software in order to further their business processes and automate the complete supply chain. However, finding the right resources can be quite a task as not only is it time taking, it is … Continue reading

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Common Mistakes made while choosing an IT staffing firm

In the IT industry where there is an incessant demand for new resources with specific skill sets, finding and hiring the best resources is often a challenge. The process of hiring people with specific skills can get quite complicated as … Continue reading

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Containing costs with IT Staffing Services

The IT industry is constantly evolving and there is an incessant need for people with the right kind of skill-stack. However, finding the right kind of talent, that too within a short notice is quite difficult and is always a … Continue reading

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How your company can benefit from IT Staffing

A Technology company often requires resources with specific skill sets for different projects and it is definitely never easy to find the right resources as soon as the need arises. Hiring people with specific technical expertise can be quite challenging … Continue reading

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Can IT Staff Augmentation Services solve your Hiring Problems?

In the current business scenario, Technology companies are facing a lot of competition and they have to keep innovating their strategies in order to stay relevant and in business. Moreover, with new technologies coming up every other day it also … Continue reading

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Impact of Immigration Reform on IT Staffing

There has been considerable debate regarding immigration laws and immigration reform for decades. The following column explores the impact of immigration law and reform on talent gaps, particularly in IT staffing. The H-1B Visa Program: What Is It? H-1B temporary … Continue reading

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5 Tips to Boost the Recruitment Process

Typical suggestions include posting job vacancies on the work platform, holding recruitment events, and inviting candidates to apply. It is important to encourage employers to recommend suitable candidates and provide referral bonuses when necessary. Remember, you must have a set … Continue reading

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Why Do You Think Flexible Staffing is A Good Option for Your Business?

In the United States, more than 3 million people are employed as contract or temporary workers. Why?  There are several possible grounds behind it.  One of the main reasons is flexible staffing allowance.  A few cases will cause employers to adopt temporary staffing routes. Whether this approach is right for you depend … Continue reading

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How IT Staff Augmentation Can Help in Remote Hiring?

In the aftermath of Covid19, organizations and leaders are adapting to a more agile workplace by tapping into new employment models. Organizations are strengthening their infrastructure and capabilities to make the shift smoother. However, most of them do not have … Continue reading

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Fight IT staff Challenges with IPSTS

IT staffing challenges are quite provoking. Now, how do you expect to get the best solutions? The best answer would be to get in touch with the IT staffing services as soon as possible. An IT staffing agency will provide … Continue reading

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How Proper IT Staffing Strategy Can Improve Productivity?

Every business has some organizational aspirations that can only be achieved by taking suitable people alongside working for them. Be it increasing profit margins, capturing a bigger share of the market or making a difference in your community – without … Continue reading

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Combat Talent Shortage with Flexible IT Staffing Solutions

Look at the present scenario and you will find that the workforce all across the world has grown rapidly and research says that the pandemic has added to it. Mostly, the pool of workers is working flexibly. As the trend … Continue reading

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Guide to Develop an Effective Staffing Plan

There comes a time for businesses when they face significant growth and demands of the moment require skilled people to achieve growing business objectives. That’s where the staffing plan comes into play. Businesses need the right resources in the right … Continue reading

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5 Questions to Ask When Selecting a Staffing Agency

Businesses need an adequate supply of qualified employees for achieving steady growth. Lack of qualified talent at their disposal, companies is finding it more and more difficult to even keep up with the competition. In IT sector, this problem is … Continue reading

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How to Ensure Successful Staff Augmentation in Your Business?

Staff augmentation is a popular outsourcing strategy that allows companies to quickly scale up their capabilities. Shortage of tech talents prompted many established companies and startups to switch from in-house development to IT staff augmentation. In the era of technological … Continue reading

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Four Tips to Determine Your Staffing Needs

People are the greatest asset of a company. Managing a business is almost synonymous to managing its people. A well-planned staffing strategy is very much crucial for a happier and productive workforce which eventually contributes to business growth. While the … Continue reading

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Interview Questions for Temporary Employees to Ensure Successful Hiring

With temporary hiring on the rise, staff augmentation is a great way to manage dynamic requirement of skilled staff for a limited period. A growing part of American businesses are opting for staff augmentation on a skill requirement basis or … Continue reading

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IT Staff Augmentation: Common Challenges & Their Solutions

Businesses are moving at lightning speed and there is a constant pressure of surviving in the market by staying ahead of competitors. Internal IT teams are getting consumed to the neck and as a result, project backlogs are becoming lengthier. … Continue reading

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How do IT Staffing Agencies Work to Find You the Right Candidate?

Small start-ups or mid-sized organizations often find it difficult to fill positions with qualified employees. Different companies have different hiring needs – some companies require temporary or full time staff while some might need contract or project based hiring. From … Continue reading

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Amazing Benefits of Staff Augmentation Services for Boosting Your Business

You are an IT company with a team of employees for handling various projects. Now, you close a big project that will add great value to your company profile but your present team does not have the additional skill it … Continue reading

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Review the Statistics and Hire a Professional IT Staffing Company

Take a quick look at the US economy and you will discover that the recruiting, staffing and workforce solution industry has a very important role. This particular sector makes a vital contribution. The industry is known to provide outstanding career … Continue reading

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Connect to the Right Talent with IPS Technology Services

Staff augmentation, now a buzzword in the IT job market, is attracting businesses globally. For many firms who want to hire remotely, IT staff augmentation is the only solution. IPS technology services have already helped 100+ clients to augment their … Continue reading

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3 Ways to Make Augmenting IT Staff Work For Your Organization

Augmenting your IT staff with an outside service is the potential answer to the tech struggles your company is experiencing right now. Before you make this leap, consider the best practices for implementing this popular staffing solution. Stick to limited-time … Continue reading

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IPS Technology Services – IT Staffing Division Places ASP .Net Software Developer in SE Michigan

TROY, Mich., June 08, 2020 — The client, an established company in SE Michigan hired an IPS ASP .Net software developer with in depth C# and SQL Server skills to fulfill its growing needs to keep up with custom applications. … Continue reading

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How to Get The Most Out of Your Augmented Staff?

IT staff augmentation just makes sense when you need an employee with specific skills right now but don’t want to hire someone for the long term or go through the entire search-and-hire process. To enjoy the most benefits this type … Continue reading

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Why Your HR Team Can’t Find The IT Staff You Need?

Even the best HR department in the world might struggle when trying to find valuable tech staff for your organization. This is likely because recruitment in such a knowledge-specific field with a thin candidate pool is a full-time job on … Continue reading

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Choosing the Right IT Staff Augmentation Team

As the tech industry looms larger and larger, more companies are finding themselves short of tech talent when it comes to short or long-term projects. In response to this trend, businesses all over the world are starting to take advantage … Continue reading

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Using an IT Staffing Agency Matters More Than You May Think

Thanks to a shrinking available talent pool and a tight IT staffing market, it’s become more expensive and harder to find professional IT staffing. On top of all this, hiring the wrong candidate can cost you dearly. According to Forbes, … Continue reading

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IPS Technology Services Acquires a New and Fast-Growing IT Outsourcing Client in SE Michigan

The client, one of the fastest growing companies in SE Michigan who has won a series of contracts from companies such as Amazon, were in the need of taking care of the growing IT needs.   After a series of negotiations, … Continue reading

Posted in Application Software Development, Business Process Outsourcing, CIO Advisory, IT Outsoucing, IT Services, IT Staffing, software development, Systems Development | Tagged , , , , |

IPS Technology Services Wins a New Tier 1 IT Staffing Client in SE Michigan

The client, an established Tier 1 Staffing company in SE Michigan, hired IPS Technology Services to help them search, screen, and present quality candidates for possible placements for their own clients. “We have a very detailed process to identify the … Continue reading

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Augmenting Your IT Staff: The Electronic Edge You’ve Been Looking For

A flexible outsourcing strategy that is gaining popularity in the IT sector, IT staff augmentation lets you hire tech talent from all around the world while directly managing your augmented team. You are the person who chooses from the proposed … Continue reading

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IPS Technology Services, an IT Staffing Firm Places ASP .Net Developer

TROY, MI:  The client, an established company in SE Michigan hired an IPS ASP .Net software developer with in depth C# and SQL Server skills to fulfill its growing needs to keep up with custom applications. The candidate with 7 … Continue reading

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Outsourcing vs. Staff Augmentation: Which is for you?

When in need of special IT services or when you have a special project, it can be difficult to decide whether to augment your staff or to outsource. Choosing which is right for you can be made easier by asking … Continue reading

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IPS Technology Services Wins IT Staffing Service Contract

Abstract: IPS Technology Services’ has been selected as a vendor to provide IT Staffing Service. Wayne County Airport Authority has selected IPS Technology Services as one of its preferred vendors to provide IT Staffing and Professional Service during the next … Continue reading

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How to Manage IT Staff Augmentation

Technology is ever-changing, as is the need for talented IT staff for your business. This will occasionally mean augmenting your staff with outsourced talent. To effectively do so, taking a few steps prior to adding to the staff on a … Continue reading

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Quality Screening for IT Hires

IT is a field that has a wide range of marketable traits, and appropriate screening for the traits that are necessary for the job being hired for is an important part of the candidate selection process. You wouldn’t, for example, … Continue reading

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If You are Planning on Growing, Have You Considered IT Staff Augmentation Services?

The business of tomorrow involves a healthy combination of technological and financial advances. Finances are familiar to many now, but technology moves ahead in leaps and bounds; therefore, it takes a special sort of knowledge to grow your business with … Continue reading

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Top 7 IT outsourcing Trends to Look Forward to in 2019

In the cusp of digital transformation, technology is evolving more than ever to overwhelm the businesses and their customers. However, most of the business organizations still find it quite challenging to manage and access IT capabilities tailored to their business … Continue reading

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IT Staffing – Why is it a Necessity for SMEs

Recruiting team players who can deliver high-priority deliverables within the pressing deadline is imperative for any business, big or small. However, it often becomes challenging to gauge the efficiency level of the incumbents they hire. In this tech-dependent world, it … Continue reading

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Importance of Data Backup and Recovery Plan for Small Businesses

Did you know that over 80% of small business ventures are more likely to be vulnerable to cyber attacks? Unsupervised IT infrastructure is touted to be the main reasons behind cyber crimes such as hacking, identity theft, spamming, etc. This … Continue reading

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The Future of EHR Implementation in Healthcare Practices

The evolution of Electronic Health Records or EHR has been profound in the realm of medical technology. The adoption rate has proliferated to the level where almost all of the US healthcare facilities have implemented it to streamline their administrative … Continue reading

Posted in IT Staffing |

Here’s why SMEs should Hire IT Staffing Firms

Getting the right candidate who would execute the task at the right time is challenging for most of the Small and Medium Enterprises. Rather than playing it by the ear, the SMEs can opt for business capabilities that will not … Continue reading

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8 Cost-Cutting Techniques for SMEs

It’s a known fact that almost half of the small businesses don’t last for more than five years. Most of the Small and Medium Enterprises put their nose to the grindstone to get desired results but very few can actually … Continue reading

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Top 9 Benefits of Staff Augmentation for SMEs

Staff augmentation is one of the many business strategies to climb the growth ladder effectively and the Small and Medium Enterprises are increasingly leveraging this technique to achieve maximum results. The key is to combine the already existing staff with … Continue reading

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How to Choose the Right EHR for Physician Practices

Office-based physician adoption of an EHR has increased from about 40% to 89% in the last few years in the US. The challenge is to single out the right custom EHR system that aligns with the requirements of a particular … Continue reading

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Want Quality Deliverables at Low Cost? Try IPSTS’ IT Staffing Solutions

Nowadays you will be flooded with options when it comes to hiring IT candidates for your company but how will you understand if you’re investing in the right people? IT staffing solutions from a reliable staffing firm assure your company … Continue reading

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Top Reasons Healthcare Industry is Dependent on IT Outsourcing

With the increasing demand for state-of-the-art healthcare facilities, the dependence on technology is equally on the rise. According to a study, more than 75% of hospitals in the US are counting on outsourcing for managing extensive IT requirements. These are … Continue reading

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8 Reasons you should Hire IT Outsourcing for Disaster Recovery

From infiltration of the US Government’s Sentencing Commission website to the infamous AT&T Phone Network fiasco, IT disasters can happen anytime without any prior notification. Disaster recovery management has, therefore, become an imperative for organizations where most of the work … Continue reading

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8 Qualities a Good IT Staffing Firm Must Have

Any business, big or small, would want to ensure efficient workflow to get the best results in a limited timeframe. Here comes IT staffing firms in the picture. But there is a host of firms in the market waiting to … Continue reading

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Finding IT Staffing Solutions in SE Michigan: Things to Know

Hiring people who can contribute to the growth and productivity of an organization with all their potential is of utmost importance today. IT staffing solutions come to play when the employers don’t have the time or the required personnel needed … Continue reading

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Useful Features of the Recruiting Software that IT Staffing Firms Need

Staffing firms can be successful provided they use tools to make their work accurate. Companies whether small or big are extremely competitive in nature and this implies that they are constantly looking for new talent. In such a scenario, having … Continue reading

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Why You Require IT Staffing Firms to Find Talent

IT staffing firm does play a key role in finding talents these days. These are the external search firms that provide IT staffing for a company and earn a fee for that. When it comes to finding IT candidates for … Continue reading

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How IT Staffing Firms Helps in Finding IT Candidates Quicker

Today there is hardly any business that does not need IT candidates. And when it comes to finding the IT professionals, IT staffing firms come as the right solution. A large number of companies opt for an IT staffing firm … Continue reading

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IT Staffing & Employee Retention – Working with Employment Firms

For every staffing company, the prime objective is providing the best of candidates to the clients. On the other hand, the clients look for the candidates who are productive from the very first day of their joining. The staffing company … Continue reading

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