How to Manage IT Staff Augmentation

Technology is ever-changing, as is the need for talented IT staff for your business. This will occasionally mean augmenting your staff with outsourced talent. To effectively do so, taking a few steps prior to adding to the staff on a permanent or temporary basis will help ease transitions and keep processes running smoothly.

Staff augmentation is typically utilized with special projects or shifting business objectives, but it can also be a means to foster company growth and continued professional development for teams. Augmenting your IT staff may provide with some much-needed team insight that will allow for future projects to be handled internally as well as providing growth opportunities for existing teams.

Specific Talent Needs

Special projects often require skill sets that your current IT staff do not possess, as they are not skills that are utilized in the typical day to day processes of the company. Finding these skills and talent may require you to outsource those projects or to add to your team on a temporary or permanent basis depending on the nature and longevity of the project. Prior to any IT staff augmentation, you should evaluate your current team’s skills and seek to find supplemental staff that will complement those skills rather than overshadow them. 

Evaluate your needs, and you may find that a temporary addition to your team is just what you need.

Talent Development

Offering your staff an opportunity to develop their skill sets further is also a great use of ancillary talent and a benefit that is easily provided by bringing in temporary staff who can teach them new skills that will be of benefit to your company. This outside talent is also likely to recognize where skill gaps exist, providing you with an opportunity to provide your staff with growth and development options as your project needs evolve and business objectives shift.

Talent development is a key motivator for IT staff, and providing them with outside feedback can be a great motivator for where they should be directing their talents and how they can improve to be of most value to their company. 

Team Creation

Bringing in outside talent is often thought to be bad news for an existing team, but it can actually be a great opportunity for them in a variety of ways. Outside talent is much more likely to recognize the skills of the team and honestly evaluate them, giving them constructive feedback for growth and allowing them to also play to their strengths on a project. This helps bolster the team’s ability to work together and can dramatically improve the dynamic and productivity.

IT staff augmentation can be a great way to get special projects or objectives accomplished efficiently, with many potential benefits to the company and its existing staff. Choosing to utilize a service that offers additional staff on a per project or per objective basis is a great way to fulfill IT needs when you do not necessarily need to permanently add a particular skill set to your team.

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