Monthly Archives: November 2021

Top Three Software Development Challenges & Solutions

Modern businesses face a number of challenges when it comes to software development. It is not possible to complete all of them as planned due to potential pitfalls like communication breakdowns, missed deadlines, misunderstandings, etc. Whether a project is successful … Continue reading

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Mobile app Vulnerabilities: Everything You Need to Know

In today’s world, millions of people use smartphones with internet connections to keep in touch with family and friends, do business, and exchange data. By 2026, the number of smartphone users is expected to grow to 7,516 million from 6,378 … Continue reading

Posted in Application Software Development, Blog, Mobile App Development | Tagged , |

Is SharePoint an Effective Intranet Solution for Your Organization?

We live in an era of innovation where everything is done online. Workplaces are transforming at a rapid pace. Nowadays, communication is facilitated by using systems, and employees collaborate via intranets. So, how do we choose the best intranet software … Continue reading

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Custom Software Development Contract: Key Points to Include

Custom software development contracts facilitate the collaboration between software providers and customers. This contract protects the rights of both parties and guarantees that the customers’ expectations are met. Software providers and customers should be aware of sections included in software … Continue reading

Posted in Application Software Development, Blog, software development | Tagged |

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