Why Developers Prefer Asp.Net for Application Software Development?

Comparing two distinctly different programming languages or even two closely associated languages is definitely an exercise in futility. However, with the rise in the importance of Asp.Net application software development these days, we can try to understand as to why some developers are more comfortable using ASP.NET as compared to competing platforms. That said, the fact that any platform continues to exist and is used by people in the field of IT, means it has at least some features, which cannot be availed using competing services. Following are the leading reasons why some developers choose to use ASP.NET for application development:

  • The new versions of ASP.NET from version 4.5 onwards provide developers with enhanced support for various form types specific to HTML5 such as color, search, date pickers, range, number, URL etc. Earlier many of these forms were created / designed separately prior to being integrated into an application. This support generates substantial time savings for the developer and by extension the software development company.
  • From version 4.5 onwards, developers can access advanced security features including HTML5 WebSockets. By using WebSockets, developers can ensure duplex communication between the web server and the client’s browser. It is also possible to leverage the feature, while designing Web applications.
  • Recently introduced versions of.NET features support for asynchronous programming, which allows developers to read as well as write HTTP queries and requests without using OS threads. GridView has been substantially improved and the GridView Control featured in version 4.5 allows developers to easily perform tasks such as efficient sorting and paging of large data sets.
  • New versions of the framework feature unique model binding properties, which allow developers to isolate specific web forms from the model and/or binding them according to the user’s requirements. This feature aids the development of Webforms independently from the model as well as unit testing each form separately. The new-age Value Providers featured in recent.NET versions helps developers easily filter large data sets by using commands such as control value, cookie, session, querystring etc. Moreover, developers are free to develop their own Value Providers to enhance the filtering procedure.
  • One of the relatively new features in.NET 4.5 is designed to minimize and bundle the size of style sheets and scripts utilized while developing an application. This feature improves the overall efficacy of the application by ensuring that the codes are easy to read, which helps minimize as well as resolves coding errors. The features are easily noticeable in a new project by viewing the coding of the Global.asax file.

These, along with many other reasons are responsible behind this popular choice of most developers. Make sure choosing the right one when it comes to developing a software application for your organization.

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