Answers to the Common Questions on Asp.Net Application Development

There is absolutely no doubt about the fact that Asp.Net offers cost savings and promises greater agility and speed. It is time for the entrepreneurs to actually evaluate the impact of Asp.Net application software development business performance, today and in the future.

Here is a list of answers to some of the most common questions on Asp.Net.

What does the concept of Postback mean in ASP.NET?

A Postback is a request from the client side to the server from the user of the same page that is already being worked on. ASP.NET was introduced with a mechanism to post an HTTP POST request back to the same page. It’s basically posting a complete page back to the server on the same page. So, that the whole page is refreshed.

After the user fills the returned form and presses a button (say submit button, or use JavaScript to submit form), an HTTP Post request is made to the server on the same page with data. This time the Postbackproperty value will be true. The server processes the request and returns a response back to the client.

What is the ASP.NET Page life Cycle?

The ASP.NET page passes through a series of steps during its life cycle. Following is the detailed explanation of this life cycle.

  • Initialization is when objects and variables are initialized for the complete lifecycle of the request.
  • Load View State is a post backstage where the view state for the controls that enabled its view state property is loaded.
  • Load Post Back Datais also a post backstage and loads the data posted for the controls and updates them.
  • Save View State is the stage where controls state is saved before rendering HTML.
  • Render:This is the crucial stage where HTML is generated for the page.
  • Dispose:This is the last and the final stage where all objects associated with the request are cleaned up.

 What are Session State Modes in ASP.NET?

ASP.NET supports different session state storage options:

  • In-Processis the default approach. It stores session state locally on the same web server memory where the application is running.
  • SQLServermode stores session state in SQL Server database. It has the same advantages as that of State Server.
  • Custom modes allow defining the custom storage provider.
  • Offmode disables session storage.

When it comes to obtaining the Asp.Net application development services, make sure choosing a good service provider that will help you make the most of the platform.

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